The Society of Folk & Decorative Artists of Victoria Inc;
Coming together to share a mutual love of Folk & Decorative Art
Memory Boxes
Memory box painting sessions commence at 10 a.m. on our general meeting days in February, April, June, August and October. We have patterns available to use but any ideas you would like to share are always welcome. Now that we are mainly painting these boxes for aged care residents, the sky is the limit - bright colours can be used and virtually anything can be painted on the boxes.
Memory boxes were once given to grieving parents who had lost their babies. However recently we have found that aged care facilities love to have the boxes for their residents. Each resident has their special box which contains their activities' photos & other memorabilia. When loved ones visit they can talk about the contents of their box, and the box can eventually be kept by the family when their loved one passes away.
If you know of any facility who would like boxes, please let us know and we wiil get boxes to them.